Saturday, December 09, 2006

Latest screenshot of Registry Tweaker 2.0

Here is the latest screen shot of Registry Tweaker v2.0

Do you like it?

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Registry Tweaker latest news pt. 2

I've been lazy this month....maybe I was too busy with other stuff....probably...that's why release date is a bit problematic, but I'll try to realise it in time. Let's hope for the best.

What's been done?

Tracker is now fully functional. XML is optimized for best performance. Some tools from previous version were integrated to new one with some changes.

What hasn't been done?

Number of tweaks is currently 250....a few sleepless nights and it just might work out... Database editor will not be included in the first release.

Do you need more?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Registry Tweaker latest news

Registry Tweaker version 2.0 is in progress. It's release is delayed for one month. New release date is 01.12.2006.

Firstly, because I want it to be user friendly, fast and usable. Whole GUI and code are made almost form scratch (about 80% of new code). I really pay attention to every single thing. Here is a list of some changes:
  • New database with more than 3000 tweaks and settings
  • Friendly and fast User interface

Secondly, because new website layout will come with new RT release. Klemen Slavič will be the author of the website and Registry Tweaker logo. Thanks!!! Bellow is a sample of new web design.

Final GUI and website design may differ from these. At this time I would like to invite you to join Forum at Google groups. Any comments are welcome.


Sunday, October 15, 2006

Thunderbird Summary File Fixer

I've created new tool, which is called, Thunderbird Summary File Fixer. It's related to article about Thunderbird.



Saturday, October 14, 2006

Speed-up Thunderbird e-mail client

Do you use Thunderbird?

If you don't use thunderbird, than probably you don't know what this is. It's alternative open source e-mail client. I would recommend it to everyone.

Well, if you do use Thunderbird as your E-mail client than this article might be useful to you. So let's get started.

My Thunderbird profile is more than 2GB large. I have news and groups subscriptions and 3 different e-mail accounts. The problem is, that last month the program was very slow. I use many sub folders and while clicking on them, the program freezed for a few seconds and then showed it's content. This was really annoying. So I checked my profile and found many files and folders. I also searched the Thunderbird website for more information. What really got attention to my eyes was this article. The problem lies in *.msf files, which are summary files for each folder and might become corrupted and can contain "garbage". So I tested this right away (read results bellow). Procedure is here and use this at your own risk. Backup your profile before proceeding. I recommend this tool.
  1. Close Thunderbird.
  2. Click START - RUN and type %APPDATA%\Thunderbird
  3. Then find profiles.ini file and open it in notepad.
  4. Find the line which contains Path= parameter. Under this parameter is a path to your profile.
  5. Go to your profile folder, where you will find *.msf files.
  6. Delete *.msf files and restart Thunderbird.
  7. Wait for a few minutes, while Thunderbird generates all *.msf files back. When summary file for X folder is done, you can click on X folder and see it's content. If you don't see anything, while clicking on X folder, than summary file is not ready yet or you might have another problem.
  8. Restart Thunderbird.
When I reopened Thunderbird I was happy :). Folders were opened instantly with no delays. I also noticed that some of *.msf files are smaller now, so this proofs that some parts were unnecessary in those files.

I hope you find this tutorial useful as much as I do :D

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Yeah I know, trick of the week 4 is missing.... The reason is simple - I DO NOT HAVE ENOUGH TIME :D. Now, I have other things to care about. School is the priority and development of Registry Tweaker 2. I will soon post another screenshot, to show you the progress. RT 2.0 will be totally different with completely new GUI and more efficient code. You can expect the new version to appear on in a month or two.


Saturday, September 23, 2006

Trick of the Week 3 - Permiting Blocked Outlook Attachments

Certain file types are blocked in Outlook. I have experience with *.mdb and *.tmp files. By default, emails that contains that kind of files are blocked. That means, that you can't open these attachments. Outlook says that this file types might "harm" your system. But here is a trick, registry tweak, that will help you.

You can accomplish that with Registry Tweaker.
  1. Run Registry Tweaker ( and go to Windows XP database. Select Microsoft Office category and then select Outlook 2000/XP/2003 allowed attachments tweak from the list. Tick the box with appropriate Office version. Registry Tweaker supports Office 2000, XP and 2003. Maybe even Office 2007, but I haven't test this one.
  2. After ticking the box, click Apply button.
  3. You are prompted with an input window. If you want to unblock MDB and TMP files then write the value in this format: *.mdb;*.tmp. If you need more file types, add them and separate them with ;.
  4. Click OK, and that's it. You need to restart Outlook for this to work.

More Information about the tweak:
For Office 2003 registry info look like this:
Path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\11.0\Outlook\Security\
Value name: Level1Remove

Tool: not available yet.
You need Microsoft Framework 2.0 to run this tool. Get it here.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

GOOGLE Talk (Gtalk) - IM client review

Today we can choose from a variety of IM (instant messaging) programs. There are more and less popular clients (programs that users use to chat). Here are some popular clients: MSN messenger, Yahoo messenger, Gtalk, Skype, Jabber, ICQ, etc. Each client connects to their own network, where users can chat with each other. But there are also so called "multi network" clients, which can connect to more than one network, like Trilian or Gaim. They are useful to those who own more than one IM account. But I will not talk about them.

But, as the title says, I'll write about this new client, which bonds GOOGLE users together and it has evolved to a pretty nice program. Why I like Gtalk? First, it has clean, sleek and compact user interface, with no unnecessary buttons, icons and banners. Setup file is 1,5 MB large and that also gives you a clear picture what's inside the package. The truth is, Gtalk is very fast. It loads in less than a second and program is very responsive. All functions are positioned well, so you can use them as quick as possible. Newest functions, worth to mention, are File Transfer and Voice Mail. If you are using any IM client, you know that file transfer comes very handy. I didn't notice any file sending problems, it's fast and reliable. Second feature is Voice Mail. If the user you want to contact, is not online, you can leave him a message. Great thing is that voice is recorded as MP3 and send to the user email. It's nice to have all voice mails to MP3 format. This way you can store it for later use or whatever. Neat, indeed!

Now, let me write something about general features, like text and voice chat. Text chat is an eye candy and very customizable because you can choose from various chat styles. You can choose plain style, bubbles or bubbles with pictures, etc. Check out the screen shot. When Gtalk came out it was a bit dull. Voice chat is also great, because the sound is very clear.

As you can see from the screen shots, you can also set your photo and custom messages beneath the nick name. If you want to show what you are listening, you can also turn that option on. I have tested this feature on Winamp and Windows media player, and in both cases works great, without any additional plug ins.

At the bottom line, if you are gmail user, you must have Gtalk. Why? Firstly, you have an instant access to gmail account (if you do not use any EMAIL client), no need for user name and password login, because when you are connected on Gtalk, you are connected to gmail. When you get an email, a pop up is shown and Gtalk icon changes. With a click on the icon, default browser starts and you are in your inbox in seconds. You can also set that all chats are stored on your gmail. This way you can read them from anywhere.

Finally there are also some things I would like to see in the future. Conference text and voice chat are the "must be" features. Maybe some pack of smileys would also be a good thing. No mambo, jumbo, nudge and flashy thingies! This is all crap. Something like skype pack would be nice. Let's wait and see.

PROS: great user interface, easy to use, reliable and fast, good voice mail philosophy, good voice chat sound,...

CONS: no conference text chat and voice chat, no smileys pack

SCORE: 8/10

Bellow, you can get more information about customization of Gtalk.
  1. Website Customize Talk. Some customizations of Gtalk.
  2. Gtalk Profile website. What the hell! There you can create a profile with your info and then wait for someone to contact you... What is this site about? Users are signed and their profiles are available to others. This way you can meet new people. Use the world map and click on different countries. Oh, it's so fun.
  3. Spread the Google Talk website. I must say, Gtalk is getting popular as drinks that look like beer ;). Good work!!
  4. ...well, of course here are some registry tweaks (yeah, I know...). Check them here. I'll put a tool for those tweaks as soon as possible. Must warn you that I didn't test them.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Trick of the Week announcement

Each week (as an addition to article) I'll upload a tool, which will check and apply tweak, related to article. It's for those who are lazy or don't know how to use methods described in articles. :)

Great, right?

Trick of the Week 2 - Windows Autologon and Autolock

This trick will ease and secure your everyday system boot. Do you hate, waiting for login screen to appear and then wait for programs to load? Than this trick will help you in everyday process of turning on the PC. It's easy 5 step procedure, where you....of course....edit windows registry to accomplish that.

Run Registry Tweaker and under Windows XP database find tweak Enable Automatic Windows Logon. Under this tweak you have to apply 5 keys. Select them all and then click apply. You'll be prompted by 5 input boxes:

  1. First is Turn ON/OFF automatic logon. Set that value to 1. Click OK.
  2. Second is Auto Login domain name. The program gives you your domain/workgroup. Just click OK.
  3. Third value is Auto Login User Name. Enter the valid user name, which you want to be auto logon, when booting. Click OK.
  4. Fourth is Auto Login Password. Enter valid password for that user name. Click OK.
  5. Fifth value is Lock PC on startup. Program gives you default value (rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation), just click OK and that's it.

Next time when your Windows will boot up, you'll be logged in automatically and after all programs are up and ready, system is locked. The good thing is that you can turn on your PC and go for tea/coffee/something and come back and start working. Just unlock it and you are ready to go.

Tool: Download it here.
You need Microsoft Framework 2.0 to run this tool. Get it here.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


.... are you familiar with those expressions? :D If you are old enough, than you can remember those days when IRC was popular and everyone was talking in short slang expressions. While IRC is almost dead, this expressions are still here. Here is the list of these expressions.

But there is nothing more stranger, than people, who are speaking those words. YES!!! SPEAKING!! Just go out and listen. For a person, who doesn't know this expressions or their meaning, it's strange to hear someone saying "LOL" instead of laughing. I must admit, I also use some expressions in real life conversations....ummm...... don't blame me....blame "them"!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Part 1: Internet Explorer Security

While I was programming Registry Tweaker, I discovered some things which are related with Internet Explorer and Registry. As we all know, 99% of programs use registry to store settings and IE is no exception. I will describe you some techniques which Spyware removal tools, like SpywareBlaster and SpyBot, use. So, let's start with the first part.

If you are familiar with spyware removal programs, than you probably saw that besides other things, program scans a part of the registry, which contains this long strings: eg {00000566-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}. This string is called CLSID number and identifies ActiveX Control. Each control has it's own number. Now if I show you the whole registry path, it would look like this: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{00000566-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}
Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE hive, there is a key \SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility which contains CLSID numbers. CLSID numbers are also registry keys (not values). To make a step forward, under each CLSID key, there is one important value, which caries a setting for ActiveX to disable (please note, to enable ActiveX you should delete the CLSID key from the registry). This value is called Compatibility Flags and it's REG_DWORD type. And the magic value is 1024 as decimal format or 400 as hexadecimal. Here is example:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{00000566-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4}
value name: Compatibility Flags
value: 1024

Here is a screenshot taken directly from regedit:

And that's it! Easy isn't it? This is the technique that Spyware blaster and Spybot (and other) use to immunize (prevent from running) Internet Explorer from unwanted ActiveX Controls. The hard thing here is, that you have to get CLSID numbers from controls authors or more exciting way, to discover them yourself :D Use virtual machines, where you can test them, infect your machine, etc. Of course the most elegant way is to get the database online, or just extract CLSID from databases of other Spyware removal tools. How to do it, it's up to you.

Next time, I'll talk more about the IE security. So, come back later ;)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Trick of the Week 1 - Use Run as... function

First Procedure

In Windows 2000 / XP, you can run programs as a different user than the currently-logged on user. To use it in Windows 2000, the RunAs service must be running and in Windows XP, SecondaryLogon service must be running. Please check first, if you are running those services.

Then press SHIFT key on the keyboard and right click on the application you wish to setup (eg setup.exe). In the menu you'll see options "Run As...". Click it and you are present with this window bellow. Click the the following user option, type or select the User name, type the Password, and then click OK.

This screen was taken from Windows XP, in Windows 2000 it's a bit different. In Run As Other User, type the User name, Password, and Domain, and then click OK. That's it.

Second Procedure (apply via registry):

This is more advanced procedure (Please update Windows XP database before applying this tweak, becouse a bug has been found in database.). You can again check if the service is running and then use Registry Tweaker to add "Run as..." option to menu, so it's available for you all the time (no need for pressing SHIFT key). To do this find "Run as... option from the context menu" tweak in Windows XP database and apply it. Reboot PC.

Tool: Download it here.
You need Microsoft Framework 2.0 to run this tool. Get it here.

Future of Registry Tweaker

Ok, this is my first real post to this blog. It's weird to publish your thoughts online. But, I'll give it a try.

Ummm....oh yes, the future of Registry Tweaker... If you didn't know, I am the creator of this program. Search for the Registry Tweaker link on the right side of this blog...

Now, let's get to the point. Registry Tweaker is almost 1 year old and as you may already know, I am happy about it :). IMHO, latest version is pretty stable and has nice number of functions. But there will be more in the next release (secret = Registry Cleaner). Ops..did I said that? :D Coding is almost done, but do not expect it before next month. "This is the future?" you say. Well not really, this is near future, but I want to talk about distant future.

Current RT is usable only for local use (run it on a PC and tweak that PC). The next step is Network version. YES?! Imagine to tweak multiple PCs, from one machine and with a few clicks... In my opinion this is nothing new on the scene, but it's a major step forward for my programming skill and RT future. This is why I released mini tool called, Remote registry Pusher. It's basically experimental tool to test some functions and it's also a tool for you to use it. You can find it here.

You can expect NRT in one year. I am also thinking of translating it to C# and publish it as Open Source. But this is a long shot.


Welcome :)

After some time, I've decided to open my blog (since it's so popular to have one). Enjoy your stay here!